This modality of video games, like multimedia, can be divided into genres according to various elements, among which the method and type of goal stand out, to name the most important.
About the gamer
To further our understanding of what video games are, we must familiarize ourselves with those who play them, if perhaps we haven’t all done so since childhood.
Some history
It should be said that this game was born as a computer program that is recorded on some storage media, such as special cartridges or CDs, although they are also stored on hard drives.
Video games without video
Paradoxically, video games have no video. The term that contributes part of the name refers to a pasteurized graphical viewing medium.
What defines a video game as an art medium?
In general, there are two entry points to the perception of video games as art: aesthetic and conceptual. The first one reduces the conversation to the visual component: character costumes, object design, architecture.
Video games in galleries
Video games emerged in the middle of the twentieth century and developed at the end of the twentieth century, after the emergence of conceptualism in art, which undermined classical definitions of art.